Golfo Paradiso offers different excursions specifically designed to meet the needs and times typical of adult groups.


All the year


Camogli – P.Chiappa
roundtrip 9.50 € pp

Camogli – P.Chiappa
one way 5.50 € pp

Camogli – San Fruttuoso
roundtrip 12.50 € pp

Camogli – San Fruttuoso
one way 8.50 € pp

P.ta Chiappa – San Fruttuoso
roundtrip 9.50 € pp

P.ta Chiappa – San Fruttuoso
one way 5.50 € pp

Tariffe valide per gruppo minimo di 15 pax paganti.

For each journey, one free ticket for every 15 paying passengers.

Reservation required.

Departures from Camogli to Punta Chiappa and San Fruttuoso

h. 10.00 – 11.00 – 12.00 – 14.00 – 15.00 – 16.00

Departures from San Fruttuoso to Punta Chiappa and Camogli

h. 10.30 – 11.30 – 12.30 – 15.00 – 16.00 – 17.00

Departures from Punta Chiappa to San Fruttuoso

h. 10.15 – 11.15 – 12.15 – 14.15 – 15.15 – 16.15

Departures from Punta Chiappa to Camogli

h. 10.45 – 11.45– 12.45 – 15.15 – 16.15 – 17.15


All the year

Genova – Portofino 24,00 € p.p.

Departure from Genoa Porto Antico Calata Mandraccio h. 10.30 for Portofino. Stop for 2 and a half hours to visit Portofino. It starts again from Portofino h. 14.00 to return to Genoa with arrival at h. 15.30.

Times and stopovers can be customized according to the needs of the group.

Reservation required.

The program is carried out for a minimum fee of 40 paying people. For groups of more than 40 people, one free ticket is provided for every 15 paying people.

For groups of more than 40 people, one free ticket is provided for every 15 paying people.


All the year

Genova – Camogli 16,00 € p.p.

Genova – San Fruttuoso 21,00 € p.p.

A) Departure from Genova Porto Antico Calata Mandraccio h. 10.30 to Camogli stop for the visit of Camogli. We leave Camogli at 3.00 pm to return to Genoa 16.00.
B) Departure from Genova Porto Antico Calata Mandraccio h. 10.30 to Camogli 60 ‘stop to visit Camogli. We leave for San Fruttuoso, stop for 90 ‘. Return to Genoa with arrival in the port by 4.30 pm

Timetables and stopovers can be customized according to the needs of the group.

Reservation required.

Our proposal is valid from Monday to Friday until 18.06.2020, with reservations required. The program is carried out for a minimum of 40 paying people.

For groups over 40 people there is a free ticket for every 15 paying people.

From 18/6/2020 to 10/10/2020 the proposals and rates remain unchanged, following the normal scheduled excursion times.

However, the proposed rate is also applied to smaller groups as long as the combination with any other groups exceeds 40 people.


All the year

33,00 € p.p.

The 4-hour excursion to the “International Cetacean Sanctuary” is suitable for an audience of any age. The departure from Genova Porto Antico, Calata Mandraccio, takes place on Wednesday and Friday with the possibility of departure also from Camogli and Recco. Other days of departure can be agreed upon when booking.

The aim is the research and observation in their natural habitat of the species of cetaceans residing in this area: fin whales, sperm whales, zifi, pilot whales, stalks, dolphins, dolphins and bottlenose dolphins.

On board our motor ships there is always a biologist who, in addition to participating in the activity, has the task of observing the animals and commenting on the meetings, providing information and curiosities, collecting data for research and involving children in various activities.

It seems only right to point out that navigating in search of cetaceans in the waters of the Sanctuary means facing a patient work of monitoring and observation of the surface, remembering that we are looking for free animals and there are no times or points set to meet them. We must accept the idea of having to face even a few hours of navigation, which is then amply rewarded by the emotion and spectacle that these creatures give us. The best days for sighting are those of calm sea and no wind, a situation in which it is easier to see the animals when they come to the surface to breathe.

Golfo Paradiso s.n.c has been dealing with maritime transport services in the tourism sector for years; with the creation of the Whalewatch Genova and Whalewatch Imperia brands, it takes over the baton of the first whale watching operator in Italy, the Bluwest of Imperia, placing its many years of experience in open sea excursions with the Corsara and Sagittario motor ships, authorized by the Coast Guard for navigation offshore for whalewatching within twenty miles from the coast, for the sighting of the eight species of cetaceans that can be encountered in the Ligurian Sea.

Through a series of activities such as:
– Short lessons on board including marine biology and oceanography
– Sighting in the sea
– Commentary on board during sightings
– Data collection during sightings

It offers a unique experience, in which adults and children can come into direct contact with whales and dolphins, the spokesperson of a sea that today more than ever requires our attention and needs our protection.

For groups of more than 50 people there is a free ticket for every 15 paying people.


All the year

19,00 € p.p.

Boat excursion with departure in the morning, time of your choice at 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, from Camogli to San Fruttuoso.
Departure at 14.00 from San Fruttuoso for Portofino, one hour stop for the free visit of Portofino.
Departure at 15.40 from Portofino for Santa Margherita Lig. (15.50) and end of service.

Reservation required.

The program is carried out for a minimum fee of 40 paying people.

For groups of more than 40 people, one free ticket is provided for every 15 paying people.

However, the proposed rate is also applied to numerically smaller groups as long as the combination with any other groups exceeds 40 people.


All the year

19,00 € p.p.

Departure from Punta Chiappa h. 10.15 – 11.15 – 12.15 to San Fruttuoso.
Departure h. 2.00 pm from San Fruttuoso to Portofino.
Departure h. 3.40 pm from Portofino to Santa Margherita Ligure.

Our offer is valid from Monday to Friday until 15.06.2019, with reservations required. The program is carried out for a minimum of 40 paying people. For groups over 40 people there is a free ticket for every 15 paying people.

From 18/6/2020 to 30/10/2020 proposals and rates remain unchanged, following the normal excursion times.

However, the proposed rate is also applied to smaller groups as long as the combination with any other groups exceeds 40 people.

For groups of more than 40 people there is a free ticket for every 15 paying people. We inform you that our company carries out maritime transport with its own vessels whose capacity varies from a minimum of 50 to a maximum of 350 transportable passengers, in compliance with the current provisions on safety of navigation and insurance to third parties.